The Blue Moon at Blue Moon Camera Giveaway!

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Updated 2 November 2020: The contest has been closed and a big congratulations and thank you to all who successfully puzzled out the correct answer. We have updated each of the riddles with the right answer, and a link to the correct exhibit in the Museum.

In recognition of the upcoming blue moon on October 31st, an event that happens once roughly ever 32 months, we have decided to have a bit of fun. We have concocted a little scavenger hunt that will take you through the International Museum of Cameras section of our website, while you hunt down the answers to a series of riddles. Successfully solving each riddle will award you a letter. Once all the riddles have been solved, you can arrange the seven letters found into a password. Submit that word to us and you will win a most lovely, and blue prize: a custom Canonet QL17.

Here is a summary of the important details:
Who can participate: Anyone and everyone!
Where do I play? Right here on your phone, laptop or home computer. Simply read the riddles below and head over to the Museum section of our website to begin your quest. The answer to each riddle can be found in the text of the various Museum’s exhibits, so put on your reading glasses and pay careful attention.
The prize: A freshly refurbished, custom-coated blue Canonet QL17. You’re going to love it.
Deadline: The contest kicks off Thursday morning, October 29th and all entries must be received no later than midnight, October 31st - the night of the blue moon.
How to submit: Once you have deduced the secret word simply e-mail it to us at or direct message us via Instagram or Facebook (but really, e-mail is the best bet). Make sure your submission includes both the secret word AND good contact info, ideally name, phone number or e-mail. Each correct submission will be entered into a random drawing for the prize camera. DO NOT submit your guesses via comments in social media posts, these will be promptly deleted and you will be disqualified for potentially spoiling the puzzle.

Other important info: One entry per person. Winning entry will be randomly drawn by the Blue Moon staff on Monday, November 2nd with the winner being announced on Tuesday, November 3rd (what a day that will be).

Now, without further ado, here are your riddles. We wish you good luck, but not too much. We want this to be both challenging and fun.

Riddle 1 - “You won’t find a pit at the center of this Canon, but it might pair well with a strong martini... The first letter of the filter type found on this particular camera will get you closer to the prize.”
Answer: “U” for the UV filter found on this olive drab Canon 7s.

Riddle 2 - “This camera is an evocation of donut holes, that tiny Eiffel Tower in Vegas, and the pigs that fit inside of teacups. Size isn’t everything, and though there have been many iterations of this camera, the first letter of the camera that would've made Vivian Maier do a double take will get you closer to the prize.”
Answer: “R” for the miniature Rolleiflex replica made by Sharan.
Alternate answer: “R” for the
Baby Rolleiflex.

Riddle 3 - “This film has gone the way of the Dodo, with an exposure latitude as wide as the holocene extinction is vast and a grain as fine as the micro-plastics in our oceans...the film is as black and white as human influenced global climate change. To earn another letter towards the prize, take the second letter of the second word of the suggested modern day equivalent.”
Answer: “I” from Adox Silvermax, the film referenced as an equivalent to the famous Agfa APX 100.

Riddle 4 - “This camera is a cyclops on steroids - back before the originals, when you might consider an image made so quickly to be impossible. If you take the first letter of this cyborg of an analog camera, you will get that much closer to the prize.”
Answer: “I” for the Impossible I-1.

Riddle 5 - “When closed, this camera becomes a compact box of leather and wood. You might consider it a bit of a Trojan Horse in that, though it’s name implies something small, this camera makes quite a large image. The first letter of the one abbreviated word in this camera’s name will earn you another letter towards the prize, just remember not to put the cart before the horse.”
Answer: “N” from the Pony Premo No. 6

Riddle 6 - “This camera won’t fit in your pocket but you can still shoot it handheld; you might say it’s square in the middle, not too small or too large. When this camera came out in the 1980s, it had photographers saying ‘Brrrr,’ and not just because its extensive list of accessories are so cool. The second letter of the model type of this camera will get you closer to the prize.”
Answer: “Q” from the Brrrronica SQ-Ai. This was a tricky one!

Riddle 7 - “This camera helped us to envision other galaxies, sing through nightmarescapes, and to understand that sometimes in order to take it easy, you simply need to abide… The last letter of the first name of the infamous perfectionist, producer, and director, who remained loyal to this camera throughout his many controversial films, will get you closer to the prize.”
Answer: “Y” from Stanley Kubrick and his trusty Arriflex 35IIC

Altogether those letters spell out the word INQUIRY.

Head on over to the Museum and get searching! And happy Blue Moon everyone.