Blue Moon Camera kicks off Film Fridays

Film film film

Welcome to our Film Fridays!

Our motives with Film Friday are many-fold. As film photographers ourselves, we know how easy it is to settle into patterns in terms of which films you use, yet standing in front of our film cabinets and marveling at the vast array of film available to shoot these days, it always strikes us that there are almost more films we haven't tried than those that we have. So we wanted to break out of our routines a little and try some different films ourselves. In addition, we want to promote the sale of more film. We know film is expensive, and honestly as a small business it is difficult to compete with the likes of B&H or Adorama in terms of pricing, but we can certainly try here and there to make it a bit more cost-effective for you, so we figured, why not combine a motivational and educational post about a particular film with a discount on that film. And hey! It's Friday, which means you are probably mapping out your weekend film shooting plans and such plans always go better with more film involved.

So here is how Film Friday works. You'll see a post from us every Friday right at 9 am on social media. Keep in touch with us on both Facebook and Instagram (@BlueMoonCamera) to stay up to date. From that moment on, until 6pm PST (closing time for us) whichever film stock we are featuring will be marked down by 15%. The reduced price will be automatically displayed on our website so you don't need a discount code, or to pay us a visit in person to benefit. We want to make this available to as many of you as we can.

And we invite you to help us! Share the post with your film photographer friends so they can try a new film or get a favorite film at a bit of a discount. Or if we feature a film you already enjoy, feel free to share some of your sample images/insight in the comment section on Facebook. We want this to be a community endeavor and interactive!

Ultimately we hope we can introduce you to a new film and you create amazing images with it. Stay tuned every Friday as we cycle through our entire inventory and give a spotlight to a different film stock.