A Thousand Hours in the Sun: Skateboard and Community in North Portland show by Per Bjesse

Skateboarding is more than just cool tricks and daring stunts. It’s social, it’s play, it’s athleticism, it’s community. Skating brings together people of all ages, and builds bonds that often last for life. I started skating as an adult, and in the ten years I have been doing it I have seen the people around me grow and change.The youngest person I have skated with during this time period was four years old, and I regularly skate with people in their late 50s and early 60s. New faces have showed up, and some skaters I used to see every day now only come out every once in a blue moon. Many of the younger people I have skated with have children of their own now, including some folks I started seeing at the park when they were in middle school. This photo series tries to show both the flashy and exciting part of skateboarding, but also the community aspect and the ups and downs of people at my home park, Pier park. Community and identity has always been an integral part of skating---people often identify as skaters long after they have hung up their boards, and many stay in touch with their skate friends for life.

This work is dedicated to Andrew and to Cyan. Andrew, called HDrew by his friends, died tragically in 2018 in an urban exploration accident; Cyan is serving a multi-year prison sentence for his involvement in the Black Lives Matter protests. The proceeds of all print sales will go to Cyan’s commissary account.

An opening for this show will be held Sunday, June 2nd at 1pm.
Cafe 11
435 N. Rosa Parks Ave
Portland, OR 97203